SAMPLE Burgundy Pocket Fold Style Wedding Invitation Suite with Ivory Card and Glitter Detailing.


Pocket fold envelope,Cream Envelope,Cream Hammered Textured Card,Ink,Peach Rose Gold Glitter Card

SKU: 05abe3ba43cc Category:


A pocket fold invitation in shades of Burgundy/Mulberry and Ivory with a rose gold/peach glitter back with co-ordinating belly band.

Each suite contains the following elements:

◆ A6 size Burgundy/Mulberry Pocketfold (105mm x 148mm)
◆ Day Invitation and/or Evening Invitation (you can request a mix of both day and evening)
◆ Wedding/Information Card
◆ Ivory A6 envelope
◆ Rose Gold/Peach non shedding glitter belly band

The Mulberry (right hand) pocketfold is approximately A6 size (105mm x 148mm) which fits neatly in an Ivory A6 outer postage envelope (not shown).

The suite contains the A6 Invitation (fixed to the left of the pocketfold) which is backed onto a non shedding Rose Gold/Peach Glitter card.

The RSVP and Information/Wedding Gift Card is in the right hand pocket.

The RSVP is approximately A6 and the Information/Wedding Card measures approximately half that size so sits in-line under the RSVP but can be printed on A6 if requested.

The Invitation, RSVP and Information/Wedding Card are printed on luxury Hammered textured card.

The invitation suite is then completed with a co-ordinating Rose Gold/Peach belly band that is fixed around the suite.

The wording is customised for your own unique requirements as there may be elements on this sample that you don’t require or would like to amend.

This listing is for a SAMPLE only but should you wish to order a full suite then please do message me so I can set up a CUSTOM LISTING for you.

* Actual colours may vary slightly due to differing screen resolutions


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